bunch of homophobes
just cos u dont like gays u rate this movie bad.....now im not protecting gay rights or n e thing, up to them if they wanna be gay, who cares, what gay people do is up to them,but this movie made me laugh.....is it so bad to laugh at somthing gay.....does that make u gay...??...no...... are u so afraid that u found urself laughing at a gay movie and thought OH NO ...BUT ITS A MOVIE ABOUT GAYS Y AM I LAUGHING...and u rate it bad and call it shit cos u dont want people thinking u want anything to do with the homosexual world. stop living in the past, and just accept it for being funny which it is.
the only weird thing was that arse sound......that was a bit too much attention to detail....but couldnt have made it as funny as it was if u diddnt add it.